MicroShed Testing


MicroProfile JWT

MicroShed Testing provides integration with MicroProfile JWT applications. MicroProfile JWT is a specification that standardizes OpenID Connect (OIDC) based JSON Web Tokens (JWT) usage in Java applications.

Sample MP JWT secured endpoint

Typically MP JWT is used to secure REST endpoints using the @javax.annotation.security.RolesAllowed annotation at either the class or method level. Suppose we have a REST endpoint secured with MP JWT as follows:

public class SecuredService {
    public String ping() {
        return "ping";
    public String getSecuredInfo() {
        return "this is some secured info";

As the @RolesAllowed annotations imply, anyone can access the GET /data/ping endpoint, but only clients authenticated in the users role can access the GET /data/users endpoint.

Testing a MP JWT secured endpoint

When MicroShed Testing will automatically generate and configure a pair of JWT secrets for the ApplicationContainer container. Then a test client may access these endpoints using the @JwtConfig annotation on injected REST clients as follows:

import javax.ws.rs.ForbiddenException;
import javax.ws.rs.NotAuthorizedException;

import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import org.microshed.testing.jaxrs.RESTClient;
import org.microshed.testing.jupiter.MicroShedTest;
import org.microshed.testing.jwt.JwtConfig;
import org.microshed.testing.testcontainers.ApplicationContainer;
import org.testcontainers.junit.jupiter.Container;

public class SecuredSvcIT {

    public static ApplicationContainer app = new ApplicationContainer()

    @JwtConfig(claims = { "groups=users" })
    public static SecuredService securedSvc;

    @JwtConfig(claims = { "groups=wrong" })
    public static SecuredService misSecuredSvc;

    public static SecuredService noJwtSecuredSvc;

    public void testGetSecuredInfo() {
        String result = securedSvc.getSecuredInfo();
        assertTrue(result.contains("this is some secured info"));

    public void testGetSecuredInfoBadJwt() {
        // user will be authenticated but not in role, expect 403
        assertThrows(ForbiddenException.class, () -> misSecuredSvc.getSecuredInfo());

    public void testGetSecuredInfoNoJwt() {
        // no user, expect 401
        assertThrows(NotAuthorizedException.class, () -> noJwtSecuredSvc.getSecuredInfo());

In the above code example, the securedSvc REST client will be generated with the correct JWT key that has been configured on the app container, along with the group claim users. The result is that the secureSvc REST client can successfully access the GET /data/users endpoint, which is restricted to clients in the users role.

The noJwtSecuredSvc REST client will be generated with no JWT header, and the misSecuredSvc client will be generated with an invalid group claim. As a result, neither of these REST clients will be able to sucessfully access the GET /data/users secured endpoint, as expected.

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